Monday, September 2, 2013

Upcycling the Dresser: Part II of IV

As another step to rid the dresser of The Funk I decided to paint the inside of the drawers.  I was low on patience and the green paint after painting the little drawers so I picked up some mirror sheen silver spray paint for the middle ones and went to town.

Did you know you have to show ID to buy spray paint?  I was previously unaware.  I don't understand how that would stop anyone.

I dashed home after work to try and catch the last of the daylight, dragged the drawers outside, and gave each a nice interior coating.  "Outside" means the sidewalk in front of my apartment building, a couple of yards away from passers by giving me strange looks and the local bus route rumbling along. Perhaps I went a little too far, because some unthinking whimsy caught me and I painted the sides silver as well.

After a couple of minutes I brought them inside and lined them up under the kitchen table to dry.

What have I learned:  Even when you paint outside, the fumes will be very strong for a couple of hours, especially in a small apartment.  Next time I spray paint I'm going to wait until the weekend and do it earlier in the day so I can let it dry outside longer.  Also, spray paint is fun.

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